Acupuncture's effect 'isn't just psychological - Lifeline Acupuncture, Davis, Carmichael
It limits activity in parts of the brain tasked with gauging pain, an experiment on 18 volunteers found. Crucially, researchers believe...

Chinese Poppy Plant, Corydalis, Works For Chronic Pain - Lifeline Acupuncture, Carmichael, Davis
A plant used in traditional Chinese medicine could soon become part of conventional drug design, according to a new study. With some...

Study Shows Acupuncture Improves Quality of Life for Breast Cancer Patients - Lifeline Acupuncture
Use of electroacupuncture (EA) – a form of acupuncture where a small electric current is passed between pairs of acupuncture needles –...

9 Reasons why you need to try Acupuncture - Lifeline Acupuncture Carmichael, Davis
Acupuncture involves the insertion of extremely thin needles through your skin at strategic points on your body. A key component of...